GR8 Events Logo

The best shows are all on !

At, we make finding and booking tickets seamless. From local gigs to national spectacles, they're all at your fingertips.

For Event Organisers, we provide the setup and supports you need to maximise your selling opportunity. It couldn’t be easier – we genuinely do take the hard work out of it. Email us today on and get selling in no time.

Upcoming Shows & Events

Welcome to GR8 Events

The GR8 Events team brings together a number of professional specialities coupled with years of experience in the Events Industry, to offer the highest standard of event management available. From planning, budgeting and finance to health and safety compliance, right through to booking the best acts and attractions, GR8 Events is the perfect partner for your event or festival.

If you want increased attendances, bigger ticket sales, and a great experience for your event-goers, we can help. Our Social Media campaign for a recent small festival reached over 28,000 people in the week before the event, driving interest and record attendance numbers.

We specialise in great events, and they can be big or small. Call us today, and let's create a great event together.


Professional planning service

Covers every aspect


Act Bookings

Experience & Contacts


Market & Advertising

Event Theme


Grant availability

Application Overview

Organisers Checklist


Cost Budgeting

Health & Safety

Running of Safe Event

Presence of Safety services